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A Mind of Your Own

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Affirmation: I am in control. I have the power to slow down.

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Clairvoyance (#ulink_2b87bf6b-c9c8-5fc0-8337-7e138c7426ac)

A Christian is a man who feels Repentance on a Sunday For what he did on Saturday And is going to do on Monday.



CLAIRVOYANCE IS THE ABILITY to see clearly into the future. A talented clairvoyant can warn of dangers if it is obvious that you are taking a wrong path. In my experience, though, people only want to hear about the positive things. To reach a happy conclusion in a sequence of events, it is sometimes necessary to change your life and habits. This can be difficult, which is why the majority choose to forget the advice and carry on as usual. Some of my clients have walked very rocky roads after ignoring my guidance. This was not necessarily entirely negative though, because it taught them a lot about their own personality problems.

Your own intuition is the finest clairvoyance you can have. Have faith in your own instincts and you will be amazed at how right you can be.

I chose the quotation opposite with tongue in cheek, because for most people seeking clairvoyance, that is exactly how it is. And they are not all Christians!

Visualisation: You find yourself walking rapidly through a dark tunnel. There is an urgency in your step because you know that when you reach the end of the tunnel your future will be revealed. The tunnel seems endless. Then, when you have almost given up, a glimmer of light appears in the distance. After a few more seconds you are standing in bright sunlight. Looking around, all you can see is a bleak landscape – no trees, bushes, streams, mountains, or wildlife. No life. Disappointed, you fall to the ground and cover your eyes. A sudden movement interrupts your thought. Lying beside you on the bare ground you notice a large box. Opening it, you find that it is filled with the most wonderful artists’ tools and an incredible selection of paints and canvases. Then you hear a voice say, ‘Did you really expect me to paint the landscape as well? What a boring life you would have if I had shown you the finished canvas.’

Affirmation: I will paint a beautiful picture of my life.

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Class (#ulink_8de84208-1ed4-53de-b1a8-ae3d216fe4da)

Bow, bow, ye lower middle classes! Bow, bow, ye tradesmen, bow, ye masses.



UNFORTUNATELY, a class system exists in nearly every country in the world. But as individuals it should not present a problem, unless of course your work is affected by it. Class, as I can see it, should be about dignity, no matter what race or creed. We can all attain it. To be dignified is not to be blind, it is knowing how to project your image in the correct manner and keep your self-respect. It is not easy, when all around are seizing every opportunity to foul up your life – but it can be done. Try the following exercise.

Visualisation: You are at a party where the guests are luxuriously dressed. You walk through the room, head high and feeling like a million dollars even though you are wearing a cheap outfit. People stare and gossip, making snide remarks as you pass. But as you look closer you realise they are unhappy and you feel sorry for them. There are a few who congratulate you on your outfit and immediately make you feel welcome. They have class. You turn around and smile kindly at the gossips. You have class too. But you also have the knowledge that you achieved everything you have with your own talent and integrity. That makes you special, and you feel good. Class is of your own making.

Affirmation: I am a class act – and hard to follow.

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Colour (#ulink_874d1dfa-ee89-50ee-927e-968c526ac4c5)

The naked earth is warm with Spring, And with green grass and bursting trees Leans to the sun’s kiss glorying, And quivers in the sunny breeze;

And life is colour and warmth and light And a striving evermore for these; And he is dead, who will not fight; And who dies fighting has increase.

The fighting man shall from the sun Take warmth, and life from the glowing earth.



MY HEALING ROOM was always filled with colour – cosmic colour. My patients saw the miracle for themselves as the room changed from sunflower yellow to pink, orange, blue, purple, and brilliant white. Very often these blended into a dense, vibrating rainbow of energy. And when it finally disappeared we knew that life without colour was no life at all.

I spent many years teaching my patients to use colour healing on themselves (which is well documented in my book Mind Magic). Even if you just add a bit more colour to your outfit by adding a bright scarf or tie, you will be giving yourself a more joyous and healthy existence.

When you go out, look around you and wonder at the changing colours of the seasons. Do you really notice them, or do you walk around blind to the beauty that surrounds you? And add colour to your home so that when you enter it you feel the atmosphere, warm and welcoming, wrapping itself around you.

Visualisation: You are standing in a room which has been decorated in dark colours. Nothing glows with life except the faint shafts of sunlight through the window. The half-drawn curtains are unmanageable and heavy and you are unable to let in more light. You feel claustrophobic and want to leave, but the door locked itself behind you when you entered the room. For a few moments you feel imprisoned and overwhelmed by this miserable colourless room, and you long to see the green grass and the daffodils that you had noticed on entering the property. With that single thought you are suddenly bathed in a daffodil yellow glow and you realise, for the first time, that if you colour your thoughts you will also colour your life.

Affirmation: The colours of my life must glow with an iridescent beauty.

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Comedy (#ulink_e2b86a70-5f50-5543-b644-51601f710868)

This world is a comedy to those that think, a tragedy to those that feel.



IN THE DIM LIGHTS OF THEATRES, I have been able to observe the mind energies of the audience. When laughter fills the auditorium, the mind expands, giving the impression of balls of light dancing around. Having discovered and studied mind energy for so many years, I know that the energy blockages which cause stress throughout the body are being released, and the body is going into self-healing mode. One has only to look at that same audience when they leave the theatre to see that all around are smiling faces, lightness of step and an aura of well-being.

If you have the ability to make people laugh, use it. It is the finest healing of all. In the home it is a talent that can prevent arguments reaching a dangerous level. At the office it can work for you if you silently perceive the funny side of difficult situations.

Those of you who are not natural comedians should try the following exercise.

Visualisation: Try to bring out the clown in yourself. Think of all the ridiculous situations that you could find yourself in and act them out in your mind. Then laugh at yourself.

If you are a serious person, put yourself into a position mentally that resembles farce. Somewhere inside there is a comedian aching to get out.

Affirmation: Laugh every day and keep misery at bay.

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Communication (#ulink_be7f43f6-8994-554e-96b4-34429a1f54e4)

To do good and to communicate forget not.


THE ABILITY TO COMMUNICATE is society’s life-support system. Without it, we are lost.

Modern technology enables us to link with people around the world, and to access information in a few moments. Unfortunately, it can easily become a substitute for communication on a one-to-one basis. There is no substitute for the real thing.

The voice itself is magic, and can change the meaning of a single word by the way it is expressed. This, with the added vibration of the spoken word, can make one laugh or cry. There is no substitute when it involves the emotions – sympathetic words of comfort, words of wisdom and expressions of love. This is, and always will be, the finest way to communicate. However, technology is ideal for those who are by nature reserved, and is better than no communication at all.

If you do have problems in this area, speaking direct to people, see if the following exercise helps.
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