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Шукур-шеф повернулся к киргизам.

– Вчьера вот этьи парньи победьили! Аплодьисменты, киргьизы! – Сказал он с кавказским акцентом по-русски.

Весь персонал аплодировал нам.


20 июля 2018 года.

Еду в Кемер к своим землякам, Назару и Темиру. Нашёл их не сразу. Я переписывался с ними через facebook. В нашем кафетерии был интернет.

Их ложман был запущенным. Никакой охраны. Парни могли заходить к девушкам и наоборот. Можно было свободно проносить алкоголь. Так они и делали. В полдень я уже был накачен виски.

Потом пляж, столовая и снова пляж.

Перед сном я в коридоре встретил паренька-курда. Вполне приятный человек с рассеянными глазами. Мы заговорили на английском.

– What’s your name?

– Nurgazy. And yours?

– ?mer. Would you like to have some cola?

– Yes, I would


Я зашёл в его комнату. Там бардак: рассыпан сахар и зубочистки, не заправленные кровати, липкие следы на линолеуме от напитков, разбросанные вещи. Было чувство, как будто по комнате пробежала банда грабителей.

Омер достал колу. Он тоже был пьян. Речь пошла о девушках.

– Kyrgyz girls love Turkish and Kurdish boys. But most of them are virgins. So, why do they meet with us?

– I don’t know

, – ответил я, – I think because all of you are beautiful guys


Он смеётся.

– But why is virginity so important? Because of religion or national traditions?

– I think, traditions. It will be very difficult to get married if girl is not a virgin.

– Same problem with Turkish girls. It’s very difficult to marry on Turkish girl. Their parents always ask too much money for daughter. That’s why Turkish guys are single, that’s why they love Russian girls

, – он опять смеётся. – I will never be married because I’m poor.

– Yes, brother, I work in hotel too

, – улыбаюсь я, – but money is not the reason. May be one day you will meet your destiny.

– Yes! I loved Turkish girl. She was beautiful and she loved me, but her parents were against me because I’m Kurd. And a few days ago on my job I told one Turkish girl that I’m Kurd. She said: fine! What fine? Why fine

? – Омер возмущался, – they think we are terrorists. Do your people have problems like this?

– We have a lot of problems.

– Do you love your country

? – Он завёлся и заговорил быстрее.

– Everybody loves their home. But patriotism is for crazy people. There are many things we have to change. Our generation can do this. But I don’t know, how. Islamization, corruption, regionalism. We have too much problems in Kyrgyzstan. How about Turkey? Do you support Erdogan and his government?

– No, no, no

! – Запротестовал Омер и понизил тон, – his is corrupted, he picks up all money to his pocket inside Turkey and he wants to take all money outside Turkey, from Syria, from ISIL terrorists, from oil. He doesn’t think about people.

– And how about relations between Kurdish people and Turkish government? I heard that relations are very tense.

– Yes, a little bit

, – смеётся он, – Turkish people treat us very good, they respect us like people. But they don’t accept our culture. They destroy our world, our views during the century. Inside Turkey they want to make all people Turkish.

– OK, brother. What are you going to do? Do you study

? – Спросил я.

– Yes, I study business in Ankara. But I don’t want to be a businessman

, – он взволнован.

– Why?

– I don’t know. I don't know what I want.

– How old are you?

– I’m twenty.

– Oh, you are so young! It’s OK that you don’t know about your future way! I’m twenty six, and I don’t know what to do too. But I’m old.

– No, brother

! – Омер смеётся и достаёт пиво из маленького холодильника, – you look younger than me. You are young too.

– No, I’m old. But I feel young. I think if we don’t know what to do, we are happy. Happiness means searching your way. While you are looking for the goals – you are happy. When you found and achieve them you start to look for a new aim
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