My Muse had come, when love expired,
She broke the obscured mind’s bonds.
I’m free again, want to combine
My thoughts, and feels, and magic tones.
I write and please by that my heart,
My pen is firm and behaves smart,
At the unfinished rhymes does not
Draw female legs, heads and so forth;
Extinguished ash will not make fire,
I’m still nostalgic, but no tears,
And very soon the stormy feels
Will disappear, leave me in quiet.
I’ll start a poem, then, I guess
Of twenty songs at least, not less.
I built the plot of my new novel
And thought, what would be its content;
And now a page you’re turning over,
Where is first chapter’s very end.
I have examined written strictly:
There are mistakes, if to check neatly;
I won’t amend these or correct.
To censor I will pay my debt,
And, then, present it for reviewing
To journalists – the public wolves.
I beg, my newborn creature, move
To Neva’s banks for public viewing!
Please, earn the tributes of the glory:
The idle talks, clamor and quarrel!
Глава II
Деревня, где скучал Евгений,
Была прелестный уголок;
Там друг невинных наслаждений
Благословить бы небо мог.
Господский дом уединенный,
Горой от ветров огражденный,
Стоял над речкою. Вдали
Пред ним пестрели и цвели
Луга и нивы золотые,
Мелькали сёлы; здесь и там
Стада бродили по лугам,
И сени расширял густые
Огромный, запущённый сад,
Приют задумчивых Дриад.
Почтенный замок был построен,
Как замки строиться должны:
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