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Евгений Онегин / Eugene Onegin

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Ее утешило совсем:

Она меж делом и досугом

Открыла тайну, как супругом

Самодержавно управлять,

И всё тогда пошло на стать.

Она езжала по работам,

Солила на зиму грибы,

Вела расходы, брила лбы,

Ходила в баню по субботам,

Служанок била осердясь –

Все это мужа не спросясь.


Like him she used to be attired

In modern fashion, looking fine;

Though, wedding was against desire,

It was by parents sanctified.

To dissipate his spouse’s mourn

The clever husband very soon

Left to the country, where she found

Herself in Lord knows what surround.

She rent her hair and wept, at first,

But then, by household distracted,

And being by the life affected

She with her husband didn’t divorce.

We all get habit from above,

And it replaces good and love.


The habit pacified her mourn,

Which by no means could be repulsed,

A remedy she found soon,

Which resurrected her at last.

Thus, switching business and pastime

She managed a smart hold to find

How to control like does a reign

The husband and to give away

Her mourn. And she was spending days

Inspecting works and keeping records,

Arranging pickling, shaving recruits,

Enjoying baths on Saturdays;

She beat her maids for the omissions

And never asked for spouse permissions.


Бывало, писывала кровью

Она в альбомы нежных дев,

Звала Полиною Прасковью

И говорила нараспев,

Корсет носила очень узкий,

И русский Н как N французский

Произносить умела в нос;
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