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Евгений Онегин / Eugene Onegin

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Души не изменили в нем,

Согретой девственным огнем.


But ardent youngsters, it’s no doubt,

Are never ready to concealing

And always eager to let out

Their love, or grief, or other feeling.

A loser in the love affairs,

Onegin heard with a stern face

Sincere cordial confession,

The ardent poet’s self-expression;

Vladimir, when in exaltation,

His soul did artlessly display,

Onegin shortly was aware

Of all his love and adoration –

The story rich in sentiments

With quite familiar contents.


Ah, he did love like nowadays

Nobody by love can be blessed,

Since only poet’s soul still prays

To love and feels its real taste.

Wherever, always the same dreaming,

One and the same familiar feeling,

One and the same and well known sorrow,

No promise to relax tomorrow.

Neither long years of separation,

Nor fell into poetic trance,

Nor beauties of a far off place,

Nor learning fruits, nor inspiration

Could change his soul, the same desire

Was heating it by virgin fire.


Чуть отрок, Ольгою плененный,

Сердечных мук еще не знав,

Он был свидетель умиленный

Ее младенческих забав;

В тени хранительной дубравы

Он разделял ее забавы,

И детям прочили венцы

Друзья соседы, их отцы.

В глуши, под сению смиренной,

Невинной прелести полна,

В глазах родителей, она

Цвела как ландыш потаенный,

Не знаемый в траве глухой

Ни мотыльками, ни пчелой.


Она поэту подарила

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